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Wood in Architecture of the Medieval World

  • Harvard University Sever Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 United States (map)

The Centennial Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America

Panel: “Wood in Architecture of the Medieval World”

Panel Organizer: by Lindsay S. Cook PhD (Pennsylvania State University)

Panel Chair: Gabriela Chitwood (University of Oregon)

Speaker Lineup:

1. Suzanne Preston Blier (Harvard University), “Wood in Medieval African Architecture: How Support and Surface Intersect”

2. Nicola Camerlenghi (Dartmouth College), “Shiver Me Timbers: Earthquakes, Fires, and the Roof of St. Paul’s Basilica in Rome”

3. Lindsay S. Cook, “Out of Sight, Out of Mind? The Oaks of Notre-Dame” featuring Handshouse Studio


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