About the Founders /

Rick and Laura_photobyTrillium Studios.jpg

Rick and Laura Brown share a passion for making. Co-founders of Handshouse Studio, they have worked together on a wide variety of sculpture, architecture, and educational collaborations since they met in 1970.

Both sculptors, Laura and Rick have developed an extensive body of sculptural installations exhibited nationally and internationally, and have played a part in the development of the Land Art Movement. Visit Rick and Laura Brown/Sculpture to learn more.

Rick and Laura founded and managed Morgan Payne Concepts (1982-1992), a design/build firm that brought together their expression of form and space with their skills as makers to reimagine the functional manifestations of house and home. Laura, the licensed contractor, and Rick, the trained architect, worked hands-on to complete over 15 full-house renovations.

Laura and Rick are both lifetime teachers. Rick taught at University of Texas (1975-1977), and The Ohio State University (1977-1981). Rick and Laura have both taught at Massachusetts College of Art and Design (Rick since 1987, and Laura since 1995). They both share a particular interest in teaching through a learn-by-doing approach, in creating opportunities for community interaction, and demonstrating the adventure of discovery by leading as fellow researchers/learners alongside their students.

It is from this shared love of learning, drive and energy for making, discipline for extensive research, and passion for creating community that Handshouse Studio was born. 

Read The Art of Anthropology by Neal Simpson—At their in-the-woods Norwell studio, a husband and wife resurrect objects largely forgotten by history…

Read The Shape Of History by Marie Allen—“How often do you get a chance to reach deep into history and bring something back…”- Rick Brown

The Board of Directors /

Rick Brown, Board President

Co-Founder and Board President of Handshouse Studio, Rick Professor Emeritus of Sculpture at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. He received a Master of Architecture from Harvard University Graduate School of Design, a Master of Fine Arts from Washington University School of Fine Arts, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Georgia. 
     Rick is the recipient of numerous grants and awards, including a Fulbright Scholars Research Grant to Poland, University of Georgia Lamar Dodd School of Art: Wilson Center Visiting Scholar Program Grant, Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Award of Distinction, Sam Fox School of Washington University, Lillian Heller’s Curator’s Award, Massachusetts College of Art Center for Arts and Community Partnership Grant, ­Davis Foundation Grant through the Colleges of the Fenway, Massachusetts Artists Foundation Finalists Grant for Sculpture, Massachusetts Artists Foundation Finalists Grant for Environmental Design, National Endowment for the Arts Funding for Sculpture Installation (Decordova Museum Lincoln, MA), a Ford Foundation Grant, the Goldsmith Award, Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, Memphis, TN, and recently the 2015 Distinguished Teaching of Art Award from the College Art Association (CAA). You can find a full listing of activities and awards on Rick Brown’s CV.

Laura Brown, Board Treasurer

Co-founder and Board Treasurer of Handshouse Studio, and former faculty of sculpture at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She earned a BFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design and a MFA from University of Massachusetts, Amherst.     
     Laura has been awarded the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Lillian Heller’s Curator’s Award, Massachusetts College of Art Center for Arts and Community Partnership Grant, Visible Republic Planning Grant, Helen Blair Crosby Sculpture Award, Dondis A. Dondis Travel Fellowship and Ford Foundation Grant. 

Laura Brown’s passion for history, research, making, and teaching, and expansive set of skills in creative problem solving have been the understated backbone of Handshouse Studio from its beginnings. Laura’s indefatigable capacity has been the central driver of Handshouse Studio at every level of the organizations functions, and the reason for it’s continued rigor, execution and success. You can find a listing of many of her countless activities and awards on Laura Brown’s CV


Nat Crosby, Board Chair

Architect at MDS / Miller Dyer Spears Architects, and has worked for various preservation and adapted use architecture firms in Boston. Nat began working with Handshouse in 2002 on the Bruges and Norwell projects as a student at Wentworth Institute of Technology. Later, he continued working with Handshouse on the crane projects and Polish synagogue projects. As a teacher’s assistant on the Poland travel programs, he helped the students document and interpret the historic structures for the synagogue projects.

Nat has worked for various preservation and adapted use architecture firms in Boston and is at MDS / Miller Dyer Spears Architects. Some notable projects have been the reuse of brick mill buildings for housing, moving and restoring a timber church into an art library, a terracotta clad high-rise, help revitalize Boston City Hall Plaza, and create a new home for the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras. He is the past chair of the Essex Historical Commission which strives to protect the town’s historical resources, increase public awareness of its heritage and the value of preservation.

As a maker, Nat enjoys restoring his house, building furniture, and making toys for his kids.

Rob Duarte

Associate Professor in the Department of Art, Florida State University, Rob teaches sculpture, digital fabrication, interactive art, and physical computing. He also serves as Co-Director of the FSU Facility for Arts Research. Rob earned an MFA in Visual Arts from the University of California San Diego, a BFA in Sculpture from the Massachusetts College of Art & Design, and BS in Business Information Systems with a minor in Computer & Information Science from the University of Massachusetts. At UCSD, Rob was an Ujima Scholar and a San Diego Fellow.

Rob Duart was invited to join the Board of Directors in 2020, though he has been a loyal and active Handshouse participant since the first day of his MassArt orientation in 2001. He has taken part in many Handshouse projects, including the Bushnell Turtle, the crane projects in the US and the Czech republic, the Zabludow Synagogue Model and Door project , several Wooden Synagogue project field research trips to Poland and as faculty leader for two Gwozdziec Synagogue/ Making/History travel programs to Poland: a timber frame workshop in Sanok, and a painting workshop in Kazimierz Dolny. Rob Duarte, raised in New England, currently lives in Tallahassee, Florida with his wife and two children and has an active sculpture practice exhibiting his works regionally, nationally and internationally.


Marc Holland

Professor and Chair of the Studio Foundation Department, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Marc obtained an MFA in Sculpture from Bard College, an MFA in Visual Art from Rutgers University, a BFA in Photography and Sculpture from Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and a Professional Certificate in Photojournalism from New England School of Photography. 

As a Professor in his 21st year at MassArt, Marc teaches Form Study, Projects in Wood, and Boston to Beijing: China Through the Five Senses, a 16-day travel course to Beijing and Dunhuang, China. He is also the Coordinator and a Professor of the Studio PreSemester Program. Each October, Marc travels to Beijing, China, to teach at the Beijing Royal School, to work with high school students interested in attending Art Colleges in the United States. In addition to teaching, Marc has served in several roles at MassArt. He is a former Vice President and Secretary of the MassArt Chapter of Massachusetts State College Association Faculty and Librarians Union (MSCA), and has served on several committees, most notably as Co-Vice Chair of the MassArt Strategic Plan, and Co-Chair of the Search Committee for the MassArt Provost. He has presented at several National Conferences, including the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design Conference (AICAD) and the National Academic Advising Conference (NACADA). Before returning to college in his 30’s, Marc worked as a news photographer for 12 years. His Professional Organizations include Kezurou-kai USA, The National Academic Advising Association and the College Art Association.

Marc was invited to join the Handshouse Studio Board of Directors in 2023, and strongly supports the mission of the organization to connect and educate communities through the making of historic objects. He believes deeply in Public Education and the opportunities it provides for all. He embraces Japanese and Chinese philosophy of slowing down and making things by hand. Marc lives in Bedford, MA, with his wife Jane, his son Kai and daughter Jia. In his free time, he coaches youth soccer, and volunteers with his son at the Bedford Council on Aging.


Adriana Katzew

Professor in the Art Education Department, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Adriana obtained her doctorate and master’s degrees from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, her law degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and her AB in American History and Literature from Harvard University. Her teaching and research focus on community engagement and social justice, and on the intersection between visual arts and ChicanaX and LatinaX activism. Adriana’s research also encompasses students of color in art colleges, as well as arts-based interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Adriana's artistic practice is photography-based, with a deep connection to documentary photography, history, and marginalized and silenced voices. 

Adriana was invited to join the Board of Directors in 2020, recognizing that Handshouse Studio is a unique, innovative, interdisciplinary, arts-based educational organization whose pedagogy deserves in-depth study, documentation, and research in order to serve as a model to be replicated, as well as located within the landscape of transformative education in the US. As a researcher in the field of education, specifically arts education with an interest in interdisciplinary and object-based teaching and learning, Adriana Katzew is leading the research for the Handshouse Studio Pedagogy project, an investigation into what defines the core philosophies driving the learning experience of a Handshouse project. Adriana’s husband and son are already avid admirers of Handshouse for its learning-by-doing philosophy. 

Eric Lemont

Counsel at Rockhill Management, LLC, Eric is an affiliate of Rockpoint (a private equity real estate firm), where he oversees legal activities in Rockhill’s Boston and northern Virginia markets. Prior to Rockhill, he worked as a real estate lawyer at National Development, Sullivan & Worcester LLP, and Goodwin Procter LLP. While in private practice, Eric represented a wide range of clients in complex commercial real estate transactions, including developers, real estate funds, REITs, banks, and insurance companies. In a prior life, he worked with American Indian tribes across the United States, first at the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development and later as outside counsel for various Indian tribes. Eric received a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, his law degree from the New York University School of Law, and a BA in History from the University of Michigan. In his free time, he enjoys reading (especially WWII history and historical fiction) and playing basketball.

Eric was invited to join the Handshouse Board of Directors in 2023, after having offered an advisory role in the management of the 2022 Notre Dame Project exhibitions. He has brought his passion for history and professional experience to help lead Handshouse Studio into a strategic planning process to help it see its mission and vision into a robust and sustainable future.

Joel McCarty

Select Board Member of the Town of Alstead, NH, son of a preacher, born in the shadow of Fenway park, studied theology and philosophy at Hanover College in Indiana, where he met his wife Susan Norlander. They then moved to NH where he studied Elementary Education at Antioch University New England. Also a talented traditional craftsman, Joel McCarty was one of the founders and long time Executive Director of the Timber Framers Guild. Founded in 1985, the Timber Framers Guild is a non-profit educational membership association dedicated to the craft of timber framing whose mission is to advance timber framing through research, education, and industry, and also to enrich the community through craft.  A beloved leader, Joel brings a particular kind of magic to his work of inspiring people to pick up tools in the collective effort of learning, laughing and building exceptional and functional timber structures for and as a community. Joel participated in and organized the Timber Framers Guild through 80 plus successful educational timber-frame building projects throughout the USA and countries around the world. Handshouse’s long-time working relationship with Joel, the The Timber Framers Guild, and many traditional builders has been central to many of Handshouse’s projects, and has contributed to the organization’s success from our very beginning.  

Joel has been a loyal member of the Handshouse Studio Board of Directors since the beginning, as well as a life-long civic servant committed to his community both local and global, a devoted grandfather, father, and spouse.

in 2024, we welcomed the following members to the Board of Directors

Brenda Baker

Co-founder/owner of Riverbend Timber Framing, is the former Director, Board President, Conference Coordinator, and Board Member of The Timber Framers Guild, where she also participated in the Community Building Committee. She generates understanding of how shared building efforts enrich community through craft by developing and executing building projects in communities throughout North America and beyond. She is also the founder of Riverbend Timber Framing and Insulspan Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS).

Brenda has been a supporter of Handshouse and its long time relationship with the Timber Framers Guild for decades. She most recently participated in bringing Notre-Dame Project presentations to the Timber Framer’s Guild conference in 2022 and 2023, and being part of a team of collaborators bringing the full-scale Notre-Dame truss replica to her home town for a raising in the streets of Ann Arbor, MI.

Justin Brazier

Architectural Designer based in Boston, MA working on projects ranging from large scale affordable housing to small neighborhood gardens. His main interests are in sustainable architecture and public spaces for underrepresented and underserved urban communities. He received his Masters of Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2023, and his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architectural Design from the Massachusetts College of Art & Design in 2018.

Justin participated in the Notre-Dame Project truss workshop in Washington, DC in 2021, and the La Forêt Model Project in 2022. He has also helped lead Gourd Banjo Project workshops and exhibitions from 2017-2019.

CV: https://architecture-dev.mit.edu/sites/default/files/cv-uploads/JustinBrazier_CV.pdf 

Bob Chabot

Chief Operating Officer for Zoo New England, which oversees the operations of Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo. Bob oversees the day-to-day operation of both facilities. Prior to coming to Zoo New England, Bob was Director of Horticulture, Facilities, and Exhibits at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens from 2005- 2017.

In Jacksonville, Bob oversaw the development and implementation of the botanical garden master plan, facilities planning, maintenance and development, and exhibit design and construction. Bob also served as Curator of Horticulture for Zoo New England from 1991-2001.

Bob invited Handshouse Studio, with designs students from Massachusetts College of Art to work with Zoo New England in designing a multi-purpose covered stage for the Children’s Zoo at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston in 2017.  The collaboration with Zoo New England and Handshouse continues through the growing Toys for Animals project.

Rashin Fahandej

Transdisciplinary Artist / Independent Filmmaker, Assistant Professor of Visual and Media Arts, Emerson College, Boston, MA. She is an Iranian-American futurist, immersive storyteller, and cultural activist. Fahandej’s artistic initiatives are multi-year experimental laboratories for collective radical reimaginations of social systems, using counter-narratives of care and community co-creation to design equitable futures. Her projects center on marginalized voices and the role of media, technology, and public collaboration in generating emotional connections to drive social change.

She defines her projects as “Poetic Cyber Movement for Social Justice,” where art mobilizes a plethora of voices by creating connections between public places and virtual spaces. One of her notable projects, “A Father’s Lullaby,” is highlights the role of men in raising children and their absence due to racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Her work on this project won the 2021 Prix Ars Electronica Festival Award of Distinction in Digital Musics & Sound Ars and the Institute of Contemporary Arts’ James and Audrey Foster Prize (2019), Mass Cultural Council Artist Fellowship (2019), and was further supported by residencies and fellowships with ThoughtWorks Arts and Scatter VR Volumetric Filmmaking (2019), Framingham Cultural Council (2019), and Boston Center for the Arts Public Art Residency (2018).

Rashin was the painting leader for the Handshouse Studio: Gwozdziec Synagogue Ceiling Painting Project in Poland in 2011 and 2012 and was essential to the project process from 2006 to 2011. 

Krista Lima

Visual Arts Teacher, Apponequet Regional High School, Lakeville, MA. Krista has been involved with Handshouse since 2005. was first connected with Handshouse when she took a “Technologies in Wood” class with Rick Brown her Sophomore year at MassArt in 2006. After working on recreating a small portion of the Gwozdziec Bimah for this class, Krista became involved with Lost Historic Painting classes where she worked to replicate the interior muraled ceilings of the Gwozdziec Synagogue, leading her to travel to Poland in 2007 to conduct research and document wooden structures similar to the Gwozdziec Bimah.

After graduating MassArt in 2008 with a BFA in Sculpture, she continued to participate in painting classes and other workshops when she was invited by the Browns to work as a Core Painting Leader for the reconstruction of the Gwozdziec Synagogue ceiling for the History of Polish Jews Museum in Poland. I spent the next three summers from 2011-2013 working as a Core Painting and Education leader for the project and helping with the ceiling installation in January of 2014.

Krista helped develop and lead the Trojan House: Thousand Horse Project from 2017-2018, and helped Handshouse bring the Handshouse Studio Toys for Animals project into high school level classrooms through a Mass Cultural Council STARS Grant starting in 2020.

Kurt Steinberg

Chief Operating Officer at the Peabody Essex Museum. As the museum’s Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Steinberg takes a purpose driven approach to achieve meaningful results through support of staff and active engagement in the community. He has been an authority in operations and arts administration for over 20 years.

Most recently, he was the 8th President of Montserrat College of Art in Beverly, MA, on Boston’s North Shore. This followed 12 years as Executive Vice President and Acting President at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. 

Dr. Steinberg’s focus has been to promote the ideas of a creative life; a mutual commitment made between the college, its students and its alumni to a lifelong relationship of helping artists, designers and artist educators achieve their creative goals. He strongly believes in fostering the diversity of creating traditions as a way to challenge both students and faculty to expand their social and global awareness. 

Dr. Steinberg holds a Bachelor of Arts in international relations from Syracuse University and a Masters of public administration from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. He earned his doctorate in organizational leadership from Northeastern University.

Yari Wolinsky

Producer, Director, and Editor at Trillium Studios Film. After graduating from Bard College in 2004, Yari Wolinsky worked for John Rubin Productions, Inc. on three one-hour, PBS documentary films: Raptor Force, The Living Weapon, and Ape Genius. 

He has worked as director and editor on narrative and documentary films for educational, editorial, nonprofit, and commercial clients that include Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, National Geographic, PBS, AARP, Issey Miyake, Helping Hands Monkey Helpers, Life is Good, and Marriott Hotels. 

Wolinsky began documenting Handshouse’s efforts to rebuild a Polish wooden synagogue in 2007. Yari Wolinsky has been has been a supporter of Handshouse since 2006 when he and Cary Wolinsky filmed and made the film about the making of the Gwoździec Bimah which was essential in attracting the interest of the POLIN Museum leading to the Gwoździec Synagogue project for the POLIN Museum in 2011-2013. Yari also created the Polish Bell Tower film and Handshouse in 5 film for Handshouse.

the Handshouse Staff


Marie Brown, Executive Director


Marie is a director and maker who received received her MFA in Directing from the University of Texas at Austin, and her BA in Music and Theatre from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA, and developed a broad range of skills through a devoted practice of life-long learning. She is drawn to collaborations that invite innovative, multi-disciplinary, and educational approaches to challenging questions, is passionate about building connections, cultivate curiosity, and empowering the voice, body, heart, and hand. 

Marie joined the Handshouse Studio as Director in 2018. She has also participated as Project Manager and Workshop Leader for the Gourd Banjo Project Workshops/Exhibitions (2018-2020), Faculty for the Toys For Elephants: Thailand travel programs (2019-2020), Project Leader for the Trojan Horse Project (2017-2020), Program Coordinator for the Gwozdziec Synagogue Project: Poland travel programs (2011-2012), Associate Director of Handshouse Studio (2003-2004), and Management Assistant for the Bushnell Turtle Project (2002).

Marie is eager to continue the organization’s legacy of making learning adventurous through exceptional hands-on projects, while also working with the founders to develop new ways to share the internationally recognized Handshouse experience with more diverse audiences. 

Marie lives with her two daughters in Northampton, MA. You can see more of her work on Marie Brown’s CV.

Eva Carter, Assistant Director


Eva Carter (they/them) is an Assistant Director at Handshouse for the fall. They are a recent graduate of Davidson College where they earned their BA in Anthropology. Hailing from Brevard, NC, Eva has worked for the past five years on staff at Rockbrook Camp. This summer at Rockbrook, while Eva worked as a head counselor, leading peers and campers in social-emotional growth, Marie Brown organized woodworking projects for beginner craftspeople ages 6-16. It was amongst these numerous activities that Eva and Marie first began a conversation about expanding Handshouse’s employee base to include an Assistant Director.

Eva is joining Marie in Northampton this fall to support her with administrative and compositional work. So far, Eva is forging ahead on creating clear and abridged resources for the Board of Directors, applying for grants, and generally being some extra hands around Handshouse. Eva is passionate about facilitating community and engaged collaboration and was inspired to join Handshouse’s team after learning of the projects’ natural composition of creative team problem-solving. Eva’s study of Anthropology has given them a passionate orientation towards storytelling, historical exploration, and reckoning with positionality. From these values, they were especially excited to learn about The Gourd Banjo Project, and hope that they can help reinstate those workshops.

The Board of Advisors/

The Board of Advisors is group of committed Handshouse Studio volunteers that endeavor to offer their wisdom, insight, and advice to help the organization work toward its mission and vision.

Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett

Ronald S. Lauder Chief Curator, Core Exhibition, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jew University, Warsaw, Poland. University Professor Emerita and Professor Emerita of Performance Studies, New York University

Cathy Frankel

Vice President for Exhibitions and Collections, National Building Museum, Washington, DC

Carmon Colangelo

Ralph J. Nagel Dean E. Desmond Lee Professor for Collaboration in the Arts, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, Washington University in St Louis

Bruce Lindsey

E. Desmond Lee Professor for Community Collaboration, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, Washington University, St Louis, MO

Anna Slafer

Vice President of Exhibitions & Programs, International Spy Museum, Washington, DC

Joe Wood

Metalsmith, Professor Emeritus, Fine Arts 3D Department, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA

David Trachtenberg

Founding Principle, Trachtenberg Architects, Berkley, CA

Alexander Goldowsky Ed.D

Principal of Interact, LLC, Boston, MA

Cailigh MacDonald

Associate Director of Design, New England Aquarium, Boston, MA. Faculty, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA. Handshouse Studio: Toys for Animals Project Director

Helena Gindi

Principal, Kolot Chayeinu synagogue, New York City, NY

Jackson B. DuBois

Sole Proprietor, DuBois Timber Frames LLC Executive Director, Timber Framers Guild Registered Journeyworker, Timber Framers Guild Handshouse Studio: Notre Dame Project Representative

Michael Burrey

Faculty of Preservation Carpentry Program, North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA Handshouse Studio: Notre Dame Project Representative

Michael J. Cuba

Preservation Consultant, Transom | Historic Preservation Consulting Editor, TIMBER FRAMING, Journal of The Timber Framers Guild

Andrea R. Finnerty

Energetic Change Agent, Principal, Rothfin Group Dedham, MA

Lindsay S. Cook, PhD,

Assistant Teaching Professor of Art History, College of Art and Architecture, Penn State University, University Park, PA

Donna Hassler

Executive Director, Chesterwood, a site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Stockbridge, MA

Rosemary Driscoll,

Co-curator, TEDxNatick, Natick, MA Past President, Natick Education Foundation
Owner, Driscoll Research

Laurie Macrae PFS, PCC

Primary at  The Leadership Partnership
Director of Development  Boxerwood Education Association Vice President of Operations  Heritage Natural Finishes

Jason Loik

Toy inventor/sculptor, Expert on the TV series "Play-Doh Squished" Boston, MA

Laura Viklund, AIA

Registered Architect: Gunnstock Timber Frames, Wyoming, Montana,

Amber Alyn

RYT, Cultivator, Artist [they/them/she/her]
Owner/Operator: Driftwood Alchemy LLC IG: @driftwood.alchemy Builder/Operator: Earthbound Building, Farm, and Forestry

Sophie Linnell

Instructor Teaching Faculty in Art at Gordon College, Wenham, MA Sculptor, Woodworker, and Preservation Carpenter based in Boston, MA

Tonya Ohnstad, AIA, NCARB, MNAL

Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, School of Architecture and Planning, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Lorenzo Cardim DeAlmeida

Director of Facilities, Fabrication Shop Manager, Instructor, School of Architecture and Planning, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Matthew Hincman

Professor & Program Area Coordinator, Sculpture, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA

C. Hanyen Wu

Assistant Professor, Sculpture, Massachusetts College of Art and Design Boston, MA. www.workinuse.com

Kristen Odle

Retail and Exhibition Manager, North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA

Honoring Founding Board Member Cary Wolinksy

Handshouse would not be what it is today without the enduring vision, tenacious spirit, and inspired story-telling talent of Cary Wolinsky.

We are heartbroken to share that Cary Wolinsky passed unexpectedly on Friday, June 16 2023. There are no words to express the depth of this loss for all the people who loved him and were loved by him. Read more about Cary and words from his family here.

Cary Wolinsky began his career as a news and magazine photographer for the Boston Globe, while studying journalism at Boston University. Cary crisscrossed the globe as a senior photographer for The National Geographic Magazine for 35 years while also working as freelance photographer for many national magazines including, Natural History, Smithsonian, Newsweek, Discovery, and International Wildlife. 

Cary was one of the founders of Trillium Studios—a remarkable family business—focused on photography, graphic design and film, that since 1979, has produced media projects in 44 countries. Cary, as well as Babs and Yari Wolinksy of Trillium Studios,  have played a significant role in providing both the highest quality film and photographic documentation, graphic media and website design and critical advisory support for all of our creative endeavors. The growth and success of Handshouse Studio can, no doubt, be attributed in large part to Cary Wolinsky’s exceptional photographic eye, savvy global wisdom, and his intuitive capacity to tell a good story. 

Cary was a founding member of the Handshouse Studio board of Directors who continued to lead the organization from when it began in 2001 until he passed. He was similarly dedicated to helping young artists advance their work, being an active member of his community, a devoted father, husband, and person for a long line of border collies, and regular patron of the Stetson Meadows Reserve...where indeed the decades’ long friendship with Rick and Laura Brown began as a chance encounter in the forest.