GRab A Hard Hat! We need More Hands!
Your DONATION will be the hands raising Handshouse toward the future.
To ensure Handshouse has the financial and administrative capacity
to continue making the inspiring hands-on projects we have become known for:
Handshouse often Creates Things that are Larger Than Life.
When we dream of helping reconstruct Notre-Dame de Paris or recreating a 17th century synagogue from the ashes, we don’t let the fact that it seems impossible dictate if it's worth a try. We call upon community. We work our vision toward reality with the intellect of many hands.
Handshouse continues to lead remarkable collaborations:
Notre-Dame Project,
Toys for Animals,
Wooden Synagogue Digital Archive Project
We take on daunting challenges together
and make problem-solving a joyful collaboration.
Since 2002, Handshouse has depended on volunteerism to create unique and ambitious hands-on educational experiences across the globe. The scale of what we have become over these 22 years—and the growing demand for our projects—can no longer be held by volunteers alone. To continue to offer the programs and projects Handshouse is known for…
we are growing our organizational leadershiP!
Click here to learn more about our talented leadership!
and strategically planning for the future!
The scale of what Handshouse has become and the growing demand for our programs and projects can no longer be held by volunteers alone.
We have expanded our Board of Directors and Advisors!
And now, we need to invest in building our organizational structure and paid staff to carry the work of creating our remarkable projects forward. We need your donation to become the hands that build and raise Handshouse.
The Group Lift Campaign Goals:
Fund a robust, responsive, and sustainable organizational structure with paid staff supported by a strong board and volunteers.
Continue to engage participants, educators and institutions in one-of-a-kind collaborations that inspire connection, curiosity and community.
Create innovative hands-on projects that illuminate history, explore science, and perpetuate the arts for another 22 years and beyond.
Join the Group Lift Campaign today!
To ensure Handshouse has the financial and administrative capacity to continue making the inspiring hands-on projects we have become known for, we need to raise $250k by June 30th, 2025 to fund a 2-year plan.
Now more than ever, we need your help to carry Handshouse forward!
We have come together to continue to cultivate Connection, Curiosity, and Community through the mission of Handshouse Studio. We Hope you to Join us!
If you'd like to learn more about our work, or have any questions, please reach out to:
Marie Brown, Executive Director
Handshouse Studio Board of Directors:
Rick Brown and Laura Brown (Co-founders)
Nat Crosby (Chair)
Joel McCarty, Rob Duarte, Adriana Katzew, Marc Holland,
Eric Lemont, Kurt Steinberg, Justin Brazier, Bob Chabot, Brenda Baker,
Yari Wolinsky, Rashin Fahandej, and Krista Lima.
Handshouse Studio Board of Advisors
Amber Alyn, Michael Burrey, Lorenzo DeAlmeida , Carmon Colangelo, Dr. Lindsay S. Cook, Michael Cuba, Rosemary Driscoll, Jackson DuBois, Andrea Finnerty, Cathy Frankel, Helena Gindi, Alexander Goldowsky, Matthew Hincman, Donna Hassler, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Bruce Lindsey, Sophie Linnell, Jason Loik, Laurie Macrea, Krisen Odle, Tonya Ohnstad, Anna Slafer, David Trachtenberg, Laura Viklund, C. Hanyen Wu.