Wood in Architecture of the Medieval World
8:30 AM08:30

Wood in Architecture of the Medieval World

The Centennial Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America

Panel: “Wood in Architecture of the Medieval World”

Panel Organizer: by Lindsay S. Cook PhD (Pennsylvania State University)

Panel Chair: Gabriela Chitwood (University of Oregon)

Speaker Lineup:

1. Suzanne Preston Blier (Harvard University), “Wood in Medieval African Architecture: How Support and Surface Intersect”

2. Nicola Camerlenghi (Dartmouth College), “Shiver Me Timbers: Earthquakes, Fires, and the Roof of St. Paul’s Basilica in Rome”

3. Lindsay S. Cook, “Out of Sight, Out of Mind? The Oaks of Notre-Dame” featuring Handshouse Studio

Registration: https://www.medievalacademy.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1673647

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Notre-Dame Project Truss and La Forêt Model Exhibition
to Aug 31

Notre-Dame Project Truss and La Forêt Model Exhibition

  • Fenimore Art Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Exhibition of the Handshouse Studio: Notre-Dame Project Truss reconstruction and La Forêt model.

Come see the full-scale reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris’ choir truss #6, built by Handshouse participants using medieval tools and processes!

Learn about “La Forêt”—the roof structure above the choir section of Notre-Dame de Paris which suffered devastating burns and destruction in the 2019 fire—through exploration of a 1:10 scale model!

This exhibition at the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, NY will be a spectacular opportunity to explore the complex architecture of Notre-Dame de Paris, learn about its burning and reconstruction, and hear the story of how Handshouse lent many hands to the cathedral as an act of global solidarity.

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Dignify By Design Summit
to Jul 10

Dignify By Design Summit

  • Museum of International Folk Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a gathering of leaders in the fields of design, craft, art, architecture, and film to discuss their creative process and how dignity informs their work. Together with you, our invited guest, we will examine how design can respectfully engage cultural material as a source of inspiration, build community and allow members to flourish.

This event is a series of 7 presentations + panel discussions with leaders in design, architecture, craft, and community building.

Keynote Speaker: Michael P. Murphy - (former founder of MASS Design, now heading his own firm)

Additional Speakers: Mexican designer - Fernando LaPosse; ceramicist, designer, film maker - Virgil Ortiz; Executive Director of the International Folk Art Market - Stacey Edgar; Executive Director of Handshouse Studio - Marie Brown; and Principals of A + A Design Studio - Aki & Arnaud Cooren

Tickets available here: https://www.humandignityprojects.org/event-details/dignify-by-design-summit

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