For the first time since Handshouse was officiated as a non-profit in 2002, we are expanding our Board of Directors and employing a year-round staff member.
Co-founder/ President: Rick Brown
Co-founder/ Treasurer: Laura Brown
Founding Member: Cary Wolinsky
Founding Member: Joel McCarty
In July of 2020, the Founding Board Members Rick and Laura Brown, Joel McCarty, and Cary Wolinsky formally hired Marie Brown to assume the role of Handshouse Studio’s first Executive Director. Marie has been working with Handshouse as a consultant director since January of 2018, and has managed, led, and participated in all levels of Handshouse projects from its beginning.
Together the Founding Board and Marie spent much of the fall preparing to grow the Board of Directors, identifying and interviewing potential candidates. We are so honored to announce that we have invited three remakeble Handshouse enthusiasts to join Handshouse. We welcome Rob Duarte, Adriana Katzew and Nathan Spunt to the Board of Directors!
We are so grateful that this group of talented individual have all committed to steering Handshouse Studio into the next chapter with us.
Executive Director: Marie Brown
New Board Member: Rob Duarte
New Board Member: Adriana Katzew
New Board Member: Nathan Spunt