Handshouse is ONLY possible with the generous support of our friends.

Handshouse has more than 20 years of exceptional projects that have impacted thousands of people around the world. 2023 has been another year of remarkable hands-on, collaborative, creative, and dynamic learning opportunities, and we are eager to continue to make innovative projects like the Notre-Dame Project, Toys for Animals, the Gwoździec Synagogue Project and many more continue to be available for enthusiastic participants.


We at Handshouse feel it is important, more than ever, to inspire interconnectedness.

We recognize that the world around us continues to be uncertain with news of natural disasters, conflicts, and deep division.

Handshouse works to bring people together across disciplines, skills levels, generations, borders, and history. Together we create an environment driven by the authentic curiosity to understand our world by the generative act of making and remaking, of creating connections and innovative solutions, of working in a community where…

“Everyone contributes and everyone learns.” 

-Rick Brown, Co-founder, Handshouse Studio

Savannah Vaquero painting finishing touches on an Arabesque of the Gwoździec Synagogue lantern reconstruction during a 2012 workshop offered at the White Stork Synagogue, Wrocław, Poland. This painting is now a part of the full-scale reconstruction on permanent exhibition at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, Poland.

Boston Preparatory Public Charter School participants of the Toys for Animals project, doing field research about their clients, a variety of specifics of small primates at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston, MA, 2023.

Mass Art participants, Sohini Marjadi, Stacy Parker of the Toys for Animals project, 2019, are preparing the enrichment objects they designed and built to encourage specific behaviors to enhance the wellbeing of Emily and Ruth, elephants living at the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford, MA.

Emily at Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford, MA exploring the Rainbow Bridge, an enrichment object made by Mass Art participants of the Toys for Animals project, 2019.

We create projects that Connect.

Handshouse project are…

  • Innovative interdisciplinary projects that connect what is seemingly disconnected; opening the realm of possibility for taking on complex challenges together.

  • An act of repair. How we respond to the loss of our cultural heritage matters. Handshouse creates hands-on educational experiences that cultivating dialogue, elicit understanding, and offer a generative way to bridging across difficult divides in the act of recreating priceless historic objects we have lost together.

We can not do this without the support of our community.

Your tax deductible donation will keeping Handshouse Possible!

Rémi Fromont, Chief Architect of Historic Monuments, overseeing the reconstruction Notre-Dame de Paris’s timber roof structure visiting the Handshouse Studio Notre-Dame Project on display at Catholic University in 2022. Fromont is pictured here, in detailed discussion about full-scale reconstruction of choir truss #6 with professional timber framers Ross Beebe, Miles Jenness, Mez Welch, and Peter Henrickson, who all participated in making it in Washington, DC 2021.

Being a part of this once-in-a-life time experience has taught me that if you put your mind to something and you believe in yourself wholeheartedly, you will see your dreams become reality.

-Margaux Hammer, Notre-Dame de Paris Truss Project Participant, Preservation Carpentry Class of 2023, North Bennet Street School

Handshouse Studio is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. 

Donations are tax-deductible.

Our tax ID number is 04-3715575.

Lets make 2024 another robust year together!

If you'd like to learn more about our work, how you can get involved, or have any questions, please reach out to Executive Director, Marie Brown.

Margaux Hammer, Lily Nudel, Elizabeth Pearson, North Bennet Street School students/alumna, Ross Beebe professional carpenter of Rockbridge Timber Frames, and Daniel J. Papke of the Historic Preservation Training Center of the National Park Service coax the our Notre-Dame de Paris Truss #6 Replica back together for an exhibition in Washington, DC, September 26, 2022.

Handshouse Studio is a 501c(3) non-profit organization.  Donations are tax-deductible. Our tax ID number is 04-3715575.